For on-site testing of HV cables
Withstand voltage tests on XLPE cables can be performed using the AC test system with variable frequency once laid on-site. The test system operates in a frequency range from 20 Hz to 300 Hz and complies with the requirements according to IEC 60840 and IEC 62067. An individual test system is designed for tests of up to 260 kV and 83 A, which facilitates testing of high-voltage cables that can be several kilometers in length. Several test systems can be conveniently connected in series when higher test voltages are required or in parallel when testing cables of up to 100 kilometers in length. These systems can even be used to test ultra-long submarine cables that connect offshore wind farms. The test system has been mounted on a standard-sized trailer, which facilitates transport to the specific site. The test system can be set up on-site within an hour without cranes or similar equipment.
- On-site testing of XLPE terrestrial and submarine cables
- Withstand voltage testing
- Partial discharge measurements (primarily in cable sleeves or short cables)
Technical parameters/system types

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