Shima Sharifi

I’m Shima Sharifi.
I received a bachelor’s degree in business management from Shahid Chamran University in Ahvaz. After That, a master’s degree in business management from a marketing major at the Azad University, Central Tehran Branch.
I have more than 10 years of experience in domestic and foreign commercial in various industries. Also I have branding and marketing consulting in my resume.
My effort is to promote specialized business activities with the approach of promoting the branding of the organization and use my knowledge in this field for the peace of mind of customers and the organization, which requires daily learning and interaction with customer needs and empathy with the goals of the organization.
I am a reader and I am interested in literature and writing. I devote at least one hour a day to reading. Among the sports, I like the ones that rely most on human motivation. I attach great value to history and linguistics, and studying English and Korean is also my interests.
My characteristics include creativity, independence, empathy, balance between introversion and extroversion, acceptance of positive change, and respect for moral values for me has a special place in dealing with myself and interacting with others.
My goal in “Enerjan Company” is to advance the goals and promote the company’s brand with the help of knowledge and experience I have gained through studying at university, side studies and working in various organizational environments.