Dr. Pedram Elhaminia

I was born in Mashhad and lived in this city until the first turning point of my life, that is, my acceptance to the university in 2005. The next 9 years of my life were spent at Sharif University of Technology. I started accepting a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, went on to a master’s degree, and continued until I received a doctorate in electrical engineering from the university. Even the possibility of continuing my studies at American universities after completing my bachelor’s degree could not overcome my desire to stay in Iran.
All this time, my research area and articles have been on power electronics, electrical machines, and especially transformers. Due to the decision to work in the industrial sector after graduation, I started my professional activities during university. During this period, in addition to cooperating with Niroo Research Institute, Kian Transfo Industries, Iran Power Plant Repair Company and Research and New Technologies Center, I launched Mehr Energy Company with a group of graduates of Sharif University of Technology.
We implemented various projects were for Tehran Regional Electricity Company and Standard Organization In Mehr Energy Company, which had a positive impact on my future work, both scientifically and business-wise. Managing the sales unit in Sense Engineering Company was my last responsibility before registering Enerjan Company. In 2020, I established Enerjan Company as the official representative of MR Company in Iran, and since then, as the CEO, I have been responsible for leading this company.
Along with electromagnetic laws and management principles, I have a great interest in history and philosophy. I believe that if we read history and know philosophy, we will see more accurately, hear farther away, feel more, and live deeper.